MCG and an Engagement?!


As mentioned in the previous post, we ran into the couple that was the inspiration for the proposal graffitti. Rewinding to our first day visit to St. Kilda, Photos had mentioned that one of his bucket list items was to photograph subjects in another country. We had joked about putting out a craigslist ad for a free photo shoot but we weren’t really serious about it.

In the evening we had returned to Hosier lane to photograph the Grafiti and had noticed there was a couple talking about one particular piece!

We soon learned that they were the couple in the graffiti and Varun had proposed to Visna here! It was so very cool to not only see the art, but also see the people behind it! Building up a bit of courage, Photos introduced himself as a wedding photographer and offered to do an engagement photo shoot with them. After a bit of deliberation, they agreed! Information was exchanged and we had a date to meet them in the afternoon the next day! We went home feeling excited for what the next day had in store.

Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)

Before we were to meet them we had a morning of exploration planned. Our first stop was the Melbourne Cricket Ground. From our initial research, the cricket grounds is a well regarded destination and we were excited to visit. Seeing where sports like Cricket, Rugby or Aussie Rules Football is played would be really exciting! The stadium is huge and seats 124000 people! That’s bigger than most North American Stadiums. The view of the field of play is impressive and seeing how popular these sports are really something!


We originally planned to visit Sezar for dinner but with Photo’s new plans it shifted our visit to lunch. The food was amazing. Photos and I decided to pig out a little and ordered a few different dishes to sample. We ordered the the Chee Kufta and Spanner Crab Manti from the medium section and the Steamed Barramundi (wrapped in vine leaf) and Molasses Glazed Pork from the Large section. Sufficed to say the food was awesome!

Engagement Shoot

We returned to our AirBNB to rest a little and allow Photos to prepare for the engagement shoot. We headed out to St. Kilda a few hours early so that Photos could scope out the area and plan a path.

Eventually we met up Visna and Varun and I left Photo to do his thing while I strolled around the area enjoying the sun and beauty of the area.

Just thinking about it, what an amazing set of coincidences that lead to a great story! Photographing graffiti art, which lead to an engagement, then to Photos checking off a foreign photo shoot from his bucket list. This was certainly a first for me and something I’ll remember for a very long time!

Check out Photo’s Blog to see some AMAZING engagement shots and to see his side of the story!

400 Gradi

When photos was done, we visited a restaurant called 400 Gradi, an award winning italian restaurant.

Photos and I shared a salumi plate and I ordered a frutti di mare pizza (Seafood) It really hit the spot!

It had been a long day full of excitement tomorrow we would be doing a full day Ocean Road tour so we retired to our AirBNB to get a good night’s rest.

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