Wrapping up Australia

This will be my last post about my travels in Australia. Thanks for joining me on this journey "Down under". It was an amazing time exploring all that Australia had to offer! If you want to read up on the whole trip you can do so here. Here are some of my thoughts after taking some time to reflect on the trip. My top 3 highlights: Highlight #1: Accidentally seeing the Southern Lights Both Photos...

Trouble in Hobart & Tasmanian redemption!

Our plan today was to head to the Hobart Waterfront to explore battery point and the Salamanca area. We had just arrived and were about to start exploring the area when Photos started feeling nauseous. We popped into a nearby coffee shop to let him rest and see how he felt. Unfortunately he started feeling worse so we decided to go home and let him rest. Photos went straight to bed (probably the...

Exploring Tasmania

Tasmania It was a day of travel as we would depart Alice Springs en route to Melbourne. We would have a short layover in Melbourne before flying again to Hobart, Tasmania. Because of its size, we decided to rent a car in Tasmania. This was an "experience" as it was the first time either Photos or I would be driving on the "other" side of the road. The first few moments were wrought with...

Planning for Australia

I'm about to hit the road again! This time my friend and I are on our way Down Under to Australia! This will be my LAST continent to visit in order to check off my bucket list item of visiting all 7 continents! Initially when I first started planning this trip, the plan was to visit both Australia and New Zealand. But as the plans evolved, it became impractical given the size of Australia and...