Minion Famjam: Last Stop, Quebec!

Quebec City It's our last full day on the cruise and our stop is Quebec City. This is my first time visiting, so I'm looking forward to the chance to explore a little bit. After breakfast onboard, we disembark the boat. Conveniently, the port is adjacent to Old Quebec, so within minutes we're already in the historical part of town. We're not in any rush so we take our time making our way through...

Minion Fam Jam: Charlottetown

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Our port of call today is Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. This my second visit with the Parental Minions since we visited back in 2021. Since we had a more extensive stay that time we didn't have a set plan other than to wander around. So off the ship we go and we spend our first little while in Charlottetown exploring the waterfront and retracing some...

Minion Fam Jam: Halifax & Sydney Nova Scotia

Good Morning Halifax We are in Halifax, Nova Scotia today. We start our morning in the familiar confines of the Lido Market for breakfast. The plan for today would be to walk along the waterfront, before heading to the Alexander Keith's Brewery. Back in 2021, the Parental Minions and I visited Halifax before so a lot of this is familiar to us. Being able to experience it this time with The Sister...

Minion Fam Jam: New England Cruise with Holland America

Train to Boston Today we start the second part of our journey which is a cruise with Holland America. However, we'll need to make our way to Boston in order to board the boat. We wake up bright and early, check out and head to Penn station to catch a train. It's an early morning train, so while still sleepy, we grab coffee and settle in for the three hour journey. Boston Upon arriving in Boston,...

Minion Fam Jam: 911 Memorial and the Brooklyn Bridge

While our first stop is the 911 Memorial, beside our hotel is a small bakery called Siena bakehouse. Since we are unsure how long we will spend at the memorial. We decide to pick up a coffee and something for breakfast before heading over. 911 Memorial With full bellies and caffeine in our systems, we head to the 911 for the admission time on our tickets. After entering we are ushered to a small...

Minion Fam Jam: Seeing the New York Sites!

After a good nights rest, we set off to explore a few New York sights today. To start our day, we grab some coffee and pastries near the World Trade Center Memorial pools. Since the whole point of this trip is to spend more time together as a family. Both The Sister and I take opportunities whenever we can to hang out with the parental minions! Though, sometimes, other priorities do pop up! World...