Another Minion Sibling Trip! This time to Vietnam and Japan

It's time for another sibling trip! This time we are heading to Vietnam and Japan! But we have a long day(s) of travel ahead of us and part of the excitement are our flights to Asia. We have some aspirational flights out of Seattle so need to make our way south of our home in Vancouver. Quick Shuttle to Seattle To get down we had looked into flying and training down. However both options were...

A Long way to Laos

I am setting out for a trip to Asia today! Ultimately, I will end up in Japan to meet  up with Lebron and Antetokounmpo but before I get there I will spend some time in South East Asia. My first stop will be Laos. But in order to get there I have a pretty long few days of flying. It starts with a very quick hop from Vancouver to Seattle to overnight before an early morning flight to LA. I stay...

Looking back at 2024, a Minion perspective!

2024 isn't as big of a travel year as years past. This coincides with a small shift in my travel focus. At the end of 2023 I indicated that I wanted to take more trips with friends and family. I have been immensely fortunate to check off bucket list items over the years. For this year I wanted to intentionally focus on sharing experiences with others. So every trip this year, is with the...

Minion Fam Jam: New England Cruise with Holland America

Train to Boston Today we start the second part of our journey which is a cruise with Holland America. However, we'll need to make our way to Boston in order to board the boat. We wake up bright and early, check out and head to Penn station to catch a train. It's an early morning train, so while still sleepy, we grab coffee and settle in for the three hour journey. Boston Upon arriving in Boston,...

Minion Fam Jam: 911 Memorial and the Brooklyn Bridge

While our first stop is the 911 Memorial, beside our hotel is a small bakery called Siena bakehouse. Since we are unsure how long we will spend at the memorial. We decide to pick up a coffee and something for breakfast before heading over. 911 Memorial With full bellies and caffeine in our systems, we head to the 911 for the admission time on our tickets. After entering we are ushered to a small...

Minion Fam Jam: Seeing the New York Sites!

After a good nights rest, we set off to explore a few New York sights today. To start our day, we grab some coffee and pastries near the World Trade Center Memorial pools. Since the whole point of this trip is to spend more time together as a family. Both The Sister and I take opportunities whenever we can to hang out with the parental minions! Though, sometimes, other priorities do pop up! World...