How much did my trip to Morocco and Bahrain Cost?

The following will be an accounting of my 2023 trip to Morocco and Bahrain. If you've not read the blog, you can do so here. Or if you want a small wrap up, you can check that out here. It can provide some context to the costs below! All prices will be in Canadian (or converted into Canadian when it shows up on my CC bill). The Costs All in all this whole trip cost (me individually) $3192.40 with...

Wrapping up my Trip to Morocco

It's now time to do a wrap up on my fall trip to Morocco. In a last hurrah, both Gimpy and I have deemed this as our last "big" trip together. Over the years we've been fortunate enough to do embark on some amazing adventures. So we ensure we put an exclamation mark on our time travelling together! If you've spent anytime to read through the trip, Thank You! If you haven't and want to, you can...

The Long Way Home (In JAL First Class)

After leaving Bahrain I begin my long journey home. Instead of a more direct routing, I will be doing a series of flights over the course of three days to get home. This means an overnight flight from Bahrain to Bangkok. Spending the day in Bangkok. Then another overnight flight to Tokyo. Spending the morning in Tokyo, then flying to Los Angeles and then north to Vancouver. Why you may ask? Well...


Today is when Gimpy and I part ways, as I am heading to Bahrain whilst she heads home. My flight is in the morning, so I am up pretty early in order to get to the station to catch the hourly train out to the airport. Gulf Air to Bahrain After checking in at the airport, I head to one of the airport lounges to get a little breakfast. After an hour long delay it's finally time to board. Gulf Air is...

Wrapping my trip to Japan

Now that I am done blogging about my trip to Japan and Indonesia. It's time to do a wrap up. This is my first trip of 2023 and the first time I have been to Asia in several years! There was a lot to look forward to. And I think everything worked out great in the end! If you've spent the time to read through the trip, Thank You! If you haven't and want to, you can find the whole trip here. Here we...

Flying Home in ANA’s First Class Suite

Sadly all good things must come to an end. It's now time to leave Japan, but at least I'll be doing it in style as I will be flying in ANA's First Class Suites! So after an early morning wake up, I check out of my hotel and make my way to Tokyo Haneda Airport. Haneda Nihombashi Bridge Haneda is a very cool airport in its own right. While most of my time is spent in terminal 3, there are lots of...