Tokyo Disneyland

Tokyo Disneyland

I’m heading to Disneyland today! I need to wake up early to meet up with Lebron and Antetokounmpo at their hotel. There we will hop on a shuttle that will take us directly to Disneyland. We arrive about an hour before it opens and start lining up at the front gate. I didn’t realize how popular Disneyland is because even an hour before opening there’s already a huge mass of people waiting to get inside. It’s likely the rush to get in and then start booking space on rides and attractions. We line up and wait for the next 45 minutes or so until the gate opens. The line starts to move and once you’re in, it feels like a bit of a mad rush. We start by trying to save our spots in line at whatever rides we can find. Then it feels like a huge mass of people moving through the different areas of the park. People are either heading to the different rides or shops!

Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast

We manage to book a spot on the Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast as our first ride. We make our way over to it and because of the reservation, we are able to skip a majority of the line. However, once you get inside the castle there is still a bit of a line to get through before you get to the actual ride. Thankfully there’s quite a bit to keep your attention while you wait. Like little animated or animatronic elements as you walk through the castle. Once you get to the ride you are seated on a tea cup which then “twirls” you through different iconic scenes in the Beauty and the Beast movie. Seeing as its still my favourite Disney movie, I enjoyed this one quite a bit!

The Happy Ride with Baymax

Our next Disneyland stop is the Happy Ride with Baymax. Apparently there’s a lot of hype behind this ride. The soundtrack is supposed to be super popular. Baymax himself is a beloved Disney character and the ride is supposed to be a bit like a dance club. However to be honest I think it might have been a miss for me. I’m not sure if it’s the cold temperatures or the time of day but it felt a bit muted for me. Antetokounmpo and I did this ride and while its kind of fun rolling around in the little carts, it didn’t feel like a super “dancy” atmosphere. Maybe its something that’s best experienced at night?

Little Green Dumplings

Another popular Disneyland treat are the “little Green Dumplings” that represent the aliens from Toy Story. On our way to lunch we pass by a booth that sells these things so I line up and pick up some to try. They are actually mochi balls with strawberry, chocolate and vanilla filling. They’re tasty and just a very creative way that Disneyland Tokyo does food merch! Kudos!

Restaurant Hokusai

While there are many food options in Disneyland, a lot of it seems to be western type options. Lebron, Antetokounmpo and I opt for the Japanese option in the form of Restaurant Hokusai. I order a Chirashi set meal and like most meals in Japan it’s pretty good! It has some unique Disney inspired touches like Mickey Mouse printed on the seaweed! I will say, as with most things at Disneyland, compared to a normal meal in Tokyo, it is a bit pricey. But I would contend that the markup compared to other Disney parks in the world isn’t as egregious. So I didn’t have that big of a problem with the prices for food at this Disneyland!

More Disneyland!

By the time we finish lunch, the the sun is out and the park is looking a lot brighter and cheery! We spend some time walking around the park and riding a few more rides! Antetokounmpo and I hop on the Big Thunder Mountain. While Lebron and I try out the Star Tours ride.

Mikey’s House Meet Mickey

In the afternoon, we make our way to Mickey’s House. There is a meet and greet with Mickey at his house where you can have your photo taken with him. So we line up and as you wait you get to walk through the different parts of his house. If you’re a fan you may recognize different bits and pieces of Disney lore that he’s been a part of over the years. Eventually, you get to Mickey where the attendants ask for your camera and you get a few minutes with Mickey to strike a few poses. Lebron & Antetokounmpo got some cute family photos and I even got one with Mickey too!

As the day draws to a close we start to make our way to the exit. It’s been long and busy day but hanging out with my friends is one of the main reasons for this entire trip to begin with! So I’m super happy I get to spend it at Disneyland with them! We eventually make our way to the Disneyland train station and head our separate ways towards our respective hotels!

Men Mitsui

Once I get back to my neighbourhood, I’m pretty beat. I look up a pretty well reviewed ramen shop nearby and head straight there. It’s called Men Mitsui and I’m glad that when I arrive there is only one person waiting ahead of me. Soon enough they seat me, and I have an order of their ramen. The noodles are thick and chewy, the broth is rich and delicious. sufficed to say after a long day of walking out in the cold this ramen really really hit the spot. To my surprise (and glee) after leaving the restaurant I note that they actually closed while I was inside citing the lack of ingredients. So I feel extra lucky to have gotten in when I did!

With my appetite satisfied. I head back to my hotel with one thing on my mind: Taking advantage of the sake and footbath my hotel offers! I head to the roof of my hotel, pour myself a few cups of Sake and settle in the warm footbath to let my feet rest after a long day of walking! Not a bad way to end the day!

I don’t have any set plans for the next few days in Tokyo. My hope is to be free to meet up with Lebron & Antetokounmpo whenever their schedule allows. So with that I allow myself a chance to take a breath knowing I can sleep in and have a slower pace over the next few days!

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One thought on “Tokyo Disneyland

  1. Oh I didn’t realize the teacup ride went through the whole Beauty & The Beast mansion. I thought you just twirled around them in the ballroom.

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